
A Foxhole in Cairo (1960)

screenshot from A Foxhole in Cairo

Directed by: John Llewellyn Moxey
Screenwriter(s): Leonard Mosley, Donald Taylor (from Mosely's novel)
Starring: James Robertson Justice, Adrian Hoven, Niall Macginnis, Peter Van Eyck, Albert Lieven, Neil McCallum, Robert Urquhart, Fenella Fielding, Gloria Mestre, Michael Caine
Genre: World War II / War
Country: UK
Running time: 1h 20m
Rating: 5 out of 10

A Foxhole in Cairo opens with a title card telling us that we’re in Cairo, 1942, British HQ, with the German army knocking at the gates of Egypt. In walks James Robertson Justice, resplendent in his desert dress uniform, including shorts. And quite a fine figure he cuts, as he always does. Justice is Captain Robertson, the man charged with saving the Allies’ efforts in North Africa.

Other films set in World War II